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The future of Monaco's cinema

Final film screens on 30th September 2014.

Screen 2. Source: Sporting Cinema

As Monte Carlo SBM's demolition of the Sporting d'Hiver moves closer, the Prinicpality's movie-goers have faced the disappointing prospect of losing a dedicated film theatre. Until recently, there have only been rumours about future premises for the cinema, however a recent report in Monaco Matin put an end to the speculation, for the time being anyway. The cinema is to take up temporary residence in Princess Grace Theatre.

The new location poses some problems for cinema director Thierry Trehet. Audience size will be reduced when the Sporting d'Hiver 700 seater, 3-screen cinema is squeezed into a 260 seater, 2-auditorium theatre. Distributors may consequently reduce the number of films they make available, leading to less choice on the program.

Throughout September 2014, both locations will operate in parallel to minimise disruption for audiences. Decisions are still to be made regarding possible premises in Fontvieille, with a dedicated screen somewhere in the town centre. As yet, the future remains uncertain.

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