No Registration Required
You do not need to register to use maBoum. Just go straight to the welcome page and start clicking to enjoy your time in Monaco.
Log Files and Cookies
We gather some data automatically, such as your IP address, browser, referring pages, operating system, date and time. All this information is saved securely in log files and helps us to analyse how maBoum visitors use the site so we can make improvements. The data does not identify individuals.
We also use cookies to help you navigate the site, but we don't collect any personally identifiable information.
Newsletter registration
If you would like to receive our newsletter, you only need to register your email address. We do not ask for your name or any other personally identifiable information. We do not share your email with third parties. If you want to unsubscribe, contact us giving the email address you used to subscribe.
Accessing Information About Yourself
We do not keep any personally identifiable information about you. We only keep your email address if you have chosen to subscribe to our newsletter and we delete it if you unsubscribe.
We are very careful about security and we make every effort to keep your email address safe. We will never knowingly give your information away to third parties but cannot be held responsible in the event of a breach of our security.
Changes to Privacy Policy
If we make any changes to our privacy policy, we will let you know by posting news, blogs or notices on the site. If you have registered with us, we will also send you an email.
Links to Other Sites
maBoum contains links to other sites whose privacy practices are not controlled by us. We cannot be responsible for these sites and encourage you to read their privacy statements before submitting personally identifiable information to them.
Contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about our privacy policy.