Searching maBoum is simple. Just type one or two words, or a phrase, into the search box and click the search button. The words you type should describe the thing you're looking for as simply as possible, for instance champagne, or fish and chips.
Once you've clicked the search button, maBoum presents a list of suggested places in order of most relevant, followed by the ones that have been most recently updated. If your search finds nothing, maBoum gives you a list of alternative words that you can search by clicking on them.
If your search term isn't in maBoum, you'll be given a iist of alternative words. If none of these are relevant, try a synonym, or a word with a similar meaning. For instance, we've used the word
movie rather than
film, and the word
cookies rather than
Singular or plural?
MaBoum makes a distinction between singular and plural words. For instance, if you search for a
movie, you won't always find places that show
movies. You can tell maBoum to search for both the singular and plural versions of words by adding a percentage character (%) to the end of your singular search word, for example
Phrases and multiple words
If you're searching for a phrase, two, three or more words, you may find nothing, or maBoum may suggest alternative search words that don't seem relevant. For instance,
cheese burger isn't something we've used to tag a place. MaBoum guesses that you're looking for something like
cheese, whereas you're probably looking for a
burger. In this case, you should try using a simpler word that describes what you want in a general way.
Not enough results
Sometimes, your search may find only one or two places, where you might expect to find lots. If this happens, open the details of a place that closely matches your requirements and browse the tags that maBoum has assigned to it. Click the tag that's most relevant to your search for a new list of places. Alternatively, clear your search and try using a
synonym, or change your
singular search word to plural, or vice versa.
Capital letters
No need to use capitals. We ignore them in searches.